Good Night, Sweet Jesus

Good Night, Sweet Jesus by Erin McFarland


Click the orange button below to listen.  Please be patient if it takes a few moments to load. Note: the piano music I’m playing is slightly different than the sheet music above.



(YouTube video with slightly different words here.)

Words and Music by Fr. James B. Curry

Good-night, sweet Jesus, guard us in our sleep.
Our souls and bodies in Thy love keep.
Waking or sleeping, be Thou our morning light.
Dear gentle Saviour, good-night, good-night.

Good-night, sweet Jesus, guard us in our sleep.
You are our shepherd, Lord; we are your sheep.
When we awaken, be Thou our morning light.
Dear gentle Saviour, good-night, good-night.

Good-night, dear Jesus. Good-night. Good-night.

Here is another version of the score that I made:

PDF from Musescore

And here is what it sounds like (video and MP3 below):



The original image is from Ada Ritcher’s “My First Hymnal”

Hail, Full of Grace

Listen here. This song is sung to the melody of a Catalan Christmas Carol called, “El Noi de la Mare”.  See it played on YouTube here.  (If you sing along, you will only be able to sing the first two verses, and then the melody changes.)


Hail, Full of Grace

by Father Leonard Feeney

Hail, full of grace, for the Lord He is with thee
Blessed art thou among women of earth;
Blessed the fruit of thy womb, Who is Jesus,
Hail, full of grace, at the hour of His Birth.

Angels, Archangels, and Thrones, and Dominions,
Cherubim, Seraphim, singing your praise.
Mount up to heaven as choirs of adorers,
“Hail, full of grace,” is what each of them says.

Mother of God, Holy Mother, dear Mary,
Pray for us sinners, until our last breath.
Grant us the grace that the prayer we will say is:
“Hail, full of grace,” at the hour of our death.


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