List of Hymns, Songs, and Chants
Click on a song title below to access its sheet music, sound recording, and lyrics.
Hymns to the Sacred Heart
- All Ye Who Seek a Comfort Sure
- Heart of Jesus, Hear
- I Dwell a Captive in This Heart
- Within Thy Sacred Heart
Marian Chants, Hymns and Songs
- Bring Flowers of the Fairest
- Hail, Full of Grace (no sheet music available yet)
- Hail, Queen of Heaven
- I Love You, Blessed Mother
- Maiden Mother, Meek and Mild
- Mary the Dawn
- O Gloriosa Virginum
- Our Lady of Sorrows
- The Mysteries of the Rosary (no sheet music available yet)
- ‘Tis the Month of Our Mother
- Thou Art the Star of Morning
- Who is She Ascends So High
- Hark, a Herald Voice is Calling
- Veni, Veni Emmanuel: Veni, Veni Emmanuel
- O Antiphons
- Glory Be to Jesus
- Jesus Crucified (Oh, Come and Mourn with Me Awhile)
- Think of the Son of God
- What a Sea of Tears and Sorrows
Hymns to the Saints
- Be Thou My Vision
- Dear Angel, Ever At My Side
- Good Night, Sweet Jesus
- Guardian Angel Hymn
- Ye Souls of the Faithful
Divine Office
- Aurora Lucis Rutilat
- Hail Redeemer, King Divine
- Lo, the Dim Shadows
- O Jesus, Thou the Beauty Art
- O Splendor of God’s Glory
- The Dawn is Sprinkling in the East
Catholic Hymn Study