What a Sea of Tears and Sorrows

What a Sea of Tears

This song by Charles Gounod is in a major key, and so it feels strange to me singing sad words to “happy” sounding music, but I guess it reminds me that the hope of the Resurrection was still in Mary’s heart. The words of this song are so descriptive and full of emotion.

If you would like to print the sheet music, it can be found on Project Gutenburg, from the St. Gregory Hymnal.


What a Sea of Tears and Sorrows, page 1

What a Sea of Tears and Sorrows,  page 2











What a sea of tears and sorrows, Did the soul of Mary toss
To and fro upon its billows While she wept her bitter loss;
In her arms her Jesus holding; Torn so newly from the Cross.

Oh, that mournful Virgin Mother, See her tears how fast they flow
Down upon His mangles Body Wounded Side and thorny Brow;
While His Hands and Feet she kisses, Picture of immortal woe.

Gentle Mother, we beseech thee, By thy tears and troubles sore;
By the death of thy dear Offspring, By the bloody wounds He bore:
Touch our hearts with that true sorrow, Which afflicted thee of yore.

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