Basic Daily Schedule

Here is our schedule with a 3 year old and a 10 month old:

7:00 Mommy rises, morning routine, Scripture reading

7:30 3-year old rises, his morning routine

8:00 Breakfast with entire family (Daddy reads the Saint of the Day)
Chores: Mommy: put away dishes, start a load of laundry. 3-year old: Take own dishes to sink, wipe chair

9:00 Morning Family Prayer

10:00 Snack & Outdoor recess/Nap for 10-month old
Mommy: 5-15 min. of prayer

12:00 Lunch
Chores: Mommy: make lunch, dishes. 3-year old: wash hands & face, help set table, bring dishes to sink

1:00 Stories & Nap
Mommy: prayer/reading

3:30 Snack & Outdoor recess
Mommy: Divine Mercy Chaplet

5:00 Pre-supper chores
Mommy: make dinner, start dishes, set table
3-year old: help with dinner, wash hands & face

5:30 Supper (Daddy reads one chapter from the Bible)

6:00 After-supper chores
Mommy: dishes. Daddy and 3-year old: Put away ALL toys

6:30 Rosary

7:00 Evening Routine

7:30 Story time & Night Prayers

8:00 Bed for 3-year old
Relax time for Mommy and Daddy

Evening prayers for children

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Before I lay me down to rest,
I raise my heart, O God, to Thee.
For gifts with which I have been blest,
I give Thee thanks repeatedly.
If Thee I have displeased to-day,
Forgive me, Father, ere I sleep!

Let the children make a short examination of conscience, and then say:

I love The, my Lord, I love Thee, my God,
O would that I loved Thee more!
I am so sorry now for all my sins,
O grant me Thy pardon and grace!

While Undressing:

Lord, take from me whatever might
Thy gracious eyes displease!

One Our Father and Hail Mary for the poor souls in Purgatory.
Then say:

Lord, grant the departed eternal rest
In light perpetual ever blest.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

– from Mother Love, p. 22

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