Reflections on January 2014

January was overall a good start to the new year. I’d like to reflect on what worked, what didn’t, and how to hold onto the habits that were started.

1) Slow down. I tried to keep January as simple as possible by focusing on only a few tasks each day: homeschool, cooking, dishes, laundry, my 15-minute vacation, and our group 15-minute clean-up after dinner. I tried to take it easy in between those tasks and give more attention to the kids. There were no huge demands looming in the back of my mind; no long to-do lists.

One plus of all this is that my stress went way down. I found that I had hours of free time, and it was nice! I spent way more time with the kids, and that’s something I don’t regret. I ignored lots of messes and was surprised by how much got cleaned up in the 15-minutes after dinner.

This was the easiest of the mini-goals, and I hope I can carry it on to the next months, too.

2) Take a 15-minute vacation every day. I was not able to do this every day. Sometimes, I just forgot! Other times, the boys just wouldn’t leave me alone. But some days, I was determined to find time for quiet, and I was so rejuvenated after the 15-minute “vacation”.

I found that if I had my phone with me, I didn’t end up relaxing enough to clear my mind and get prepared mentally for the rest of the day. So, going forward, no phone on vacation.

The time of day that usually worked was right before making lunch. School is finished, the younger boys are still occupied with toys or videos, and the baby is still (usually) napping.

Once the weather is nice enough, I hope to vacation on the front porch. I’m dreaming up ways to beautify it so it feels like a real retreat…I can’t wait for spring!

3) Keep Sunday a day of rest. I stayed off the computer and phone until after the kids went to bed. At least, I tried to do that. Sometimes, I couldn’t stop myself from checking email or texts. It was HARD. But that just proved to me that time away from the internet is something really needed. I can’t be the servant of my phone. Especially on Sunday, when I should be trying to serve the Lord.

Family activities need to be put in place. It was depressing being the only one not being entertained by media, and still the one making and cleaning up after meals. Blah. This is one area of our family life that I feel really needs attention. We need positive, fun, non-computer related things to do. What does your family do together on Sundays? I need ideas!!

February 2014 Mini-Goals

Welcome, February! This is a big month for me.  One of the habits I’ll be working on (#2) is one that I have wanted to make part of my life for years!  I feel ready to try, and try again, to make this work!

It was very helpful for me last month to clarify what these goals look like in real life, so I’m going to use the “Old and New” format again.

1) Listen! Listen to the behaviors and find out what motivates each child, and understand their thoughts, hopes, dreams, hurts, disappointments, etc.

OLD #1: Child talks to me about something while I’m on the internet, and I only listen to a few words and reply without thinking, “Oh, yeah?” or “Huh” or “Wow” (all said without too much genuine emotion at all.)

NEW #1: I look away from the computer, look into the child’s eyes, listen, and give an appropriate response.  Isn’t this what I will want him to do (i.e. listen to me) when he is a teenager?  Shouldn’t I show him now that I care about what’s on his mind, so that he will hopefully continue to share his thoughts with me as he gets older?  Or, down the road, will he refrain from talking to me, because he thinks, “She doesn’t care what I think.  She doesn’t even listen to what I try to tell her.”

OLD #2: Child either has a tantrum, or talks back, or says something mean to me, etc.  I immediately mete out punishment.

NEW #2: The outburst happens.  I breathe, maybe say a super quick prayer, and then listen to what the child is trying to tell me.  Respond with gentleness, not wrath.  Figure out what the real issue is, and address it.  Give the child guidance regarding alternatives to outbursts in the future.  Yes, this takes more time, more self-control, and more patience than it does to simply put a child in time out, but I believe this kind of guidance is more helpful to the child, and to the parent/child relationship in general.

2) Time Alone With God: Schedule daily time to read Scripture/ pray/ journal

OLD: Skipping morning prayers, and giving no time to formal prayer during the day except for school prayers, and prayers before and after meals.

NEW: Spending 15 minutes a day with God. It is unrealistic for me at this point to assign a set time each day, because that is what made me “fail” in the past at daily prayer.  I’d schedule in “Prayer Time” at 6:30 am, or 10 am, and without fail, each day, something would happen and mess it up, and I felt like a failure. Instead, I will find 15 minutes hopefully before school starts (it starts at 9). No set time, but a deadline of sorts.  If for some reason, I don’t get a morning prayer time,  I should be able to find 15 minutes in the afternoon.  I will be experimenting this month to see what works.

3) Breakfast devotions/ Family Morning Prayer

OLD: No family morning prayer. The oldest says his morning prayers on his own, but the others aren’t saying any morning prayers at all except for grace before breakfast.

NEW: I have morning prayers for children and a prayer for home and family (posted in 2010…I’ve been wanting to implement family morning prayer for a long time!) that I will say with all the boys at/after breakfast. Some experimenting again will be needed to ease this in smoothly. I might find different prayers to use, too.  Nothing set in stone here; it’s just the beginning; the main idea is to PRAY as a family – every day!

I hope you are enjoying reading about my journey towards peaceful parenting, a happy home life, and in general, sainthood! 😉 I plan on posting a closer look at each month’s goals, every month in 2014.  If you want, you can look ahead to see where this year-long journey will end by viewing my Goals for 2014.  God bless you, and pray for me! Leave a comment, and I will say a prayer for you, too! 🙂 

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