Evening prayers for children

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

Before I lay me down to rest,
I raise my heart, O God, to Thee.
For gifts with which I have been blest,
I give Thee thanks repeatedly.
If Thee I have displeased to-day,
Forgive me, Father, ere I sleep!

Let the children make a short examination of conscience, and then say:

I love The, my Lord, I love Thee, my God,
O would that I loved Thee more!
I am so sorry now for all my sins,
O grant me Thy pardon and grace!

While Undressing:

Lord, take from me whatever might
Thy gracious eyes displease!

One Our Father and Hail Mary for the poor souls in Purgatory.
Then say:

Lord, grant the departed eternal rest
In light perpetual ever blest.

Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen.

– from Mother Love, p. 22

Morning prayers for children

What inspired me about these prayers was the specific prayers to say while undressing and washing. I like how they remind the children (and parents) about their salvation, when usually we are too busy thinking about our day to think about God.

In the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.

With God another day begins:
Direct it in Thy way,
And, Jesus, keep me from all sins
At home, at work, at play.

While Dressing:

As now I clothe myself, O Lord,
To Thee I humbly pray:
O let me ever heed Thy word,
And always with Thee stay.

While Washing:

The water flowing from Thy side
Is, dearest Lord, a saving Tide;
O let it cleanse me my salvation win.

Now kneel, fold the hands, and say:

O God, my Father, Thy sweet care
Has o’er me watched the livelong night!
For all the blessings that I share,
I praise Thee in the morning light.
Protect me also through the day
From sin, from evil, from distress;
Whate’er I do, or think, or say,
O best of Fathers, do Thou bless!
My Guardian Angel, thee I pray,
Stand at my side by night and say.
O Mary, pray before God’s throne
For me to Jesus Christ, Thy Son,
Whom we all love, whom we adore,
Whom we praise forevermore.     Amen.

To purify the intention for the day, say:

All praise and honor be to Thee,
Thrice Blessed, Holy Trinity;
Whatever I may do or say,
For Thee it be, my God, today.
Forsake me not when dangers loom,
And save me from eternal doom.

When the child cannot be present at Holy Mass, let it say:

Hark! I hear the little bell
Calling to Holy Mass.
Dearest Lord, Thou knowest full well
It calls in vain for me.
Dear angel, do thou take my place
And when ‘tis over bring to me
Rich blessings full of grace.

– from Mother Love, p. 21

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